• Sadness fills my blue eyes,
    As I sit by his bed while he slowly dies.
    The ach in my heart surfaces to my throat.
    Feelings and memories erupt in my mind.
    As I start to feel like he’s left us behind.
    I constantly wish this was just a silly dream.
    With sugar puff muffins,
    And strawberry cream.

    But instead it’s a nightmare swallowing me whole.
    I’m holding his hand as it starts to grow cold.
    His eyes become dark and his voice slowly fades.
    This look of serenity paint to his face.
    Tears roll down my cheeks as his eyes slowly close.
    “What is he thinking of?”
    Nobody knows.

    They give him the morphine ,
    So he forgets the pain.
    This horrible nightmare driving me insane.
    His heart beats slow to a hushed stop.
    The monitor now will no longer pop.
    His hands become cold.

    “He wasn’t that old…”
    He should still be here with me.
    He still had so much to teach us!
    And now,
    I sit at the edge of his hospital bed.
    Ready to face this nightmare called life.
    With hot tears falling.
    And a chocked voice calling.
    Ready to face my loss.