- As we lay in your room I watch you sleep and think about what I would be without you, but I could only think of comparisons. (Juliet without her Romeo, a heroin addict with no drugs, a hand with no fingers, a heart with no soul, a rainbow with no color, a cat that has no meow) All made no sense and neither do I without you. I remember you asked me one day why I would not look at our face and only kissed your neck and not your lips. I remember that I did not tell you why I did those things, so, I tell you now that I did those things, because I was avoiding your gaze. Not avoiding of fear, but because when I look into your eyes I cannot look away. I could sit for days staring into your eyes in a daze. I remember you made a joke, because I kiss your neck. You had said “Why are you kissing my neck and not my lips….you’re not a vampire…..are you?” and I just listened to your words repeatedly in my head. I did not answer, because when you said those words I had a thought. My thought was ‘vampire or not I do like blood, but I would never let a drop of your blood escape due to another beings’ actions’ and it is true. I would hurt thousands of people before I let you be hurt if I could stop it from happening, no matter what the cost. I remember when I told you I love you and you told me you love me more. I remember whispering “impossible” in your ear and the curiosity in your eyes when I looked into them. I had said ‘impossible’ because I love you more than my own life. I remember you tried to argue that you did love me more, but instead I changed the subject. I tell you now that I did not change the, because I was losing, no, I changed it, because it is truly impossible. Nothing I have or will ever give you could ever compare to how much I love you. There has never been anyone who loved another person or object nearly as much as I love you. You could have lived before and die after all existence and still never find anything that could compare to my feelings toward you.

- Title: (unnamed)
- Artist: cooljam26
- Description:
- Date: 04/08/2010
- Tags: unnamed
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