• Ar weak raklya zash colga werlwe
    [The moon cries painfully cold tears]
    Ar sheak raklya na zash warma werlwe
    [The sun cries comforting warm tears]
    Ar maen en ar celetille sheak rasse manac ar ciel
    [The full moon and the vivid sun yell out the true name of the world]

    Ar ciel syunaht
    [The world seems to scatter away]
    Rawah fwillra sash fhyu en zodal
    [Flower petals scatter to the wind and die away]
    Ar siance, ar ciel zodal
    [The holy land, the world is dying]

    “Uje gatyunla chs na gettra” Pagle ar weak
    [“Oh evil, cursed land become pure.” Speaks the moon]
    “Uje gatyunla fogabe lir tilanta yor” Pagle ar sheak
    [Oh evil, cursed land allow the light to pass through you” speaks the sun]
    “Ciel presia kiafa mea” Pagle ar weak
    [“world, please hear me” spoke the moon]
    “Ciel presia hyma tes sonwe mea” Pagle ar sheak
    [“Oh world, please listen to me sing” spoke the sun]
    “Forgabe hynne eazas echrra en tilanta yor”
    [“Allow our voices to mutally resonate and flow through you.”]

    "Was yea na gaya sev xorg diasee mea"
    [“I would be happy to return to how I was before, to the time when I was proud of my children”]
    “Yorr quen phira ieeya ween mea.”
    [“You have created the seed of hope inside of me.”]
    “Presia sonwe, forgabe mea tes memora”
    [“Please sing, allow me to remember.”]

    “Diasee… Diasee… Echrra dea mean”
    [“Children… Children… Resonate with us.”]
    “Diasee… Diasee… Sonwe sarla dea mean.”
    {“Children… Oh children.. Sing a song with us.”}
    “Fanalea… Fandel… Quen fane.”
    [Louder… in greater numbers… create kindness.”]

    Harra zaffur memora idesy
    [They struggled for memories of the past]
    Na got… Na got.
    [Unattainable… Unattainable.]

    “Na orviclle diasee… yor na hueaf”
    “It is okay my children… your efforts have not been a waste.”

    “Ar ciel… yor yasra wart”
    [“Oh world, your words are too kind.”]
    “Forgabe willie”
    [“Forgive our weakness.”]

    “Was yea ra coall.”
    [“I would be happy to return.”]
    “Den… van rinc… Sorr it.”
    [“But… Even if I did it would not be the same… that is how it is.”]