• Those Three Words I Fear

    You say those three words and I'm as frozen as a statue,
    Because my ears can't believe what they're hearing is true.
    How could you love someone that doesn't have a heart to give?
    It's not possible to love what never had a chance to live.
    But somehow my heart is content when you're with me,
    Because when it's beside yours that's where it's meant to be.
    You've stolen my heart before I had the chance to think.
    And I am no longer at the edge of the brink.
    The chains are broken and my heart is whole and complete.
    The closer you are to me the faster my heart beats.
    And though this is completely true as can be,
    I'm scared of you getting closer to me.
    So if you say those three words be for sure.
    Because my heart can't take getting hurt anymore.
    Be certain what you mean to do and say
    Because if you're not careful a life might slip away.