• Running away, we have no clue,
    Stuck in denial, on what to do.

    Try as one might, we traversed the ground,
    But to what end? No exit was found.

    We went this way and that, but it was no use,
    I turned to the man beside me, sweating profuse.

    A roar in the distance caught our ear,
    We huddled and cowered, but despite our fear...

    A man rose before us, not a tear in his eye,
    "I'll hold it off!", he said with a cry.

    He ran into the clearing, not a moment of regret,
    The mistake he made, we will never forget.

    It came from the canopy, from the darkness it hides,
    The shadows and sounds, both it denies.

    It ate him whole, not a second of waste,
    He screamed in pain, trying to escape with haste.

    It was now useless, as we saw,
    As the great horror swallowed him into its gaping maw.

    So we ran again, our hearts in fear,
    Having just lost someone we all held dear.

    The forest's trembling, we're stuck at the root,
    Running around blindly, with death in pursuit.