• I want you so badly,
    but you know that right?
    I'm wishing that I could
    be with you tonight.
    Daddy's warming up
    to the idea of me
    being a shiksa and all,
    isn't he?
    When will he be okay
    with our meeting?
    I need it so badly,
    no matter how fleeting;

    I need
    to feel your touch.
    I need
    to feel your arms around me.
    I need
    to hold your hand.
    I need
    to hear you say it'll be okay.
    I need
    to make sure that you're real.

    You are real,
    aren't you?
    Not just a dream.
    Please don't be a dream.
    I can't cry.
    I don't want to bleed.
    I need
    you to not be a dream.
    We're too young,
    they say,
    to be dreaming of
    the things
    we're dreaming of.
    But who cares, right?
    We can show them.
    We can fight them.
    We can beat this thing,
    this wall of nothing
    that stands between us
    and we can be
    and always.