• Day by day
    Night by night
    you keep my heart locked away
    safe from danger
    you have the key
    and only you can have it
    i dont want anyone else but you to have it

    you care about me
    and love me
    you held onto my heart
    you held onto me
    now i cant let go
    i love you

    you held my hand
    you held me close
    you held my head
    and kissed me softly
    and kissed me passionately
    leaving no question
    to if you love me

    now your waiting
    waiting at the end of the isle
    smiling as i walk down the aisle
    arm in arm with my father
    he kisses me and he knows
    that you will keep me safe
    and take care of me

    our children running through the yard
    the dog chasing after them
    the sound of joy and laughter
    the feeling of happiness and love
    your arms around me as we watch them
    you whisper in my ear
    i love you

    we're sitting in front og the fireplace
    im knitting a scarf
    your shinning your gun
    you reach over and grab my hand
    and i just know
    that you are and always will be
    my one true love
    i love you