• I harden my skin as I take the plunge
    Diving down in her fiery depths
    Her name is a hornet's nest against my ears
    The hellish heat that radiates her skin
    Only quelled by iron fingers and a steely grip
    The Snake
    The Dragon
    The Horse
    The Tiger
    And a few dozen 8 more
    They litter the hands of a queen cast down
    Shoved over
    Pushed around
    Now she stands tall
    Six feet if not an inch more
    Behind the oceanic pools that glare
    Is pain
    Is hatred
    Is anger so pure
    Some may run from this demon, with faded yellow hair
    But I stand my ground and stare
    Soulless and cold
    These are the words she uses
    Contrary to her intense passionate glare
    Almost complete opposites on two sides of a chess board
    She jumped my queen, but her king was always mine
    They say we're perfect
    Opposites attract
    She will say the same too
    But my Byakugon won't lie
    The woman will die
    She singed my wing not once
    But twice
    And because of that I could see
    That mirrored reflection of my dark sea
    So now I lay face up, unable to move
    Floating on waves of that would threaten to drown my mind
    And 4 hundreds more of the Great Sin
    Learning to ignore them as they lap my skin
    So now I turn my eyes grey and gently wash away