• A kid walks down the street
    Bearing a bag full of books
    Call out for his friend
    Dan calls back
    Entering the school the talk
    Fighting over who is smarter
    Glaring Dan tries to make his next argument
    Hearing the bell they hurry to class
    Into their seats they flew
    Joking about almost being late
    Knowing they would get detention
    Leaning over don ask for a pencil
    Marco reaches into his bag
    Not finding one he shrugs
    On the bottom of the bag he finds two
    Placing one on his desk and another to Dan
    Questioning why Marco gave him a pink pencil he thinks
    Recalling his pocket he reaches into it
    Six pencils meet his hand
    Trying not to seem mean he pulls one out
    Under the stable he hides his gum
    Vietnam is written on the chalk board
    Wondering what’s going on he raises his hand
    Xylon their teacher ignores it
    Yenning for an answer he waves his arm
    Zero tolerance is allowed for that he must go to the office