• I stood alone
    Beyond your window
    Breathing in the chilly night sky
    And the moon glowed oh so bright

    I begin to reminisce

    I closed my eyes
    Remembering the times
    You and I were just one kind

    You were there
    Your movements so graceful
    Your smile so divine

    And that is what I wanted to find

    I am captivated
    By your charm

    Do you remember the moments
    I was with you
    I hope those memories were not lies
    But rather they still be in your mind

    I wish you never to forget
    That time and place of where we first met
    I ran to you and greeted you
    You looked up at me and grinned

    A grin I hold so dear
    Has brought me into tears

    I then heard a clack
    It then pulled me back

    As I saw you in disbelief
    I just need you to know
    I am still me…