• Through Destiny's path thick grasp,
    I await thee immortality.
    Shining fire into the night,
    With hope of awakening.
    Death surly lingers.

    By the spot light of my soul,
    tasting sweet crimson.
    Long hang the words,
    Whispered softly by the wind,
    As the world comes to a halting stop.

    There is a different me deep within my eyes,
    Fighting to be set free.
    Yet, scared of the outside passageways.
    Forever in a godly silence.

    With no intention of loving,
    for loving is the slowest form of suiside.
    Like needles burning the children of the damned...
    Lost in time,
    With no means of escaping.

    The human race, hasn't but
    a thrill for bloodshed.
    the fighting and violence,
    Slowly kill the ones looking for solitude.

    The life we have been taught to lead,
    Will destroy what was once indestructible.
    A nation standing on its last legs,
    waits for the dawning of time.

    And as i sit watching
    My heart bleeds for thy mindless consumption.
    But in the end,
    God shall be the single soul laughing at those,
    who said they understood.