• Reader, pay your attention closely
    For I Know of the time before hope
    To wander the barren wastes,
    devoid of compassion and any word of divinity.

    In those times we fought, for not
    Standing just to stand and never moving
    In this land I met a man who's coin I saught and his name was Redemption
    His mother and father were laughed at
    For such a name given to their child

    "What is your name's purpose
    And why do you bear it so proudly?"
    I asked him, and he said to me
    "I am something not heard before in this sinful world"

    I was dumbstruck and asked in my confusion
    "What is such a man, who's name not before heard
    Aspirations in such a relentless world?" and he to me
    "I strive to teach the world the meaning of my name"

    I knew this world, destined to die and abandoned by chivalry,
    Required such a valor, a brave and wise soul embodied as a man.
    "Allow me to follow you on your trek for enlightenment" I asked.
    "Take to and fro with your wise words and I shall ensure
    Your safe journey o'er this unforgiving land"

    He looked upon my grand stature an nodded in agreement.
    "Your task will not be easy, your duty will exaust your will"
    He said to me. "We shall pass lands hotter and colder than any cast ever need be,
    Meet others, damned, tormented, and forever lost,
    And we shall strike a path through terrors never known to man, and unendurable"

    "Do you still follow?" he asked before I knelt.
    "I stall flow till my flesh is seared
    And I have not the energy to move my legs,
    Nor the life to breathe through my lungs" I said to him with my eyes bright.
    "Then we shall begin. Rise warrior, and take your sword along with"