• Yes, it is to you I speak
    With silken words in angered fleet;
    And blinded by the blurring tears,
    I've run away to coming years.

    Upon the roof I lay tonight
    With bats ahead in hungered flight
    And still I cry and curl and die;
    From what I've done, I cannot hide.

    Merry days are sure to come
    But still, to pain, I do succumb
    When impassioned kisses strike me ill
    And I cannot say the words I will.

    I cannot let you hear me say
    Intoxicated words today,
    For still I flee our searching fate
    Your love is last on list to sate.

    I grew tired of little games
    And begged to you for no more play,
    But deaf you were, so I struck hard
    And left you with a broken heart.

    And now, today, I find us here,
    Lost in words and startled fear,
    Kissing, loving, understanding,
    Embracing promise, reprimanding.