• I did not sleep at all last night
    for all I could do was weep

    I cried for the sadness
    and the fear in my heart
    and for the unfairness you caused
    that would always set me apart

    I was betrayed by the one
    who loved me
    who said she would always be there

    she said that she would be there
    as all good mothers are
    whose always there to comfort you
    whose love is never far

    And yet here I am now crying
    with hot tears that fall like rain
    In my heart I feel I am dying
    For I cannot withstand the pain

    She took the love reserved for me
    and gave it all to Him
    all the time the matter of my existence
    it's importance began to dim

    I didnt sleep these past few months
    for all I could do was weep
    For the love that I once had for you
    that's price was to high to keep