• i was in love with a guy, i wont say his name, he had to leave because his grandma was dieing, our only way we could stay conected was through a websight called Perfict World International, i was in washington and he was in manhatin, newyork...we were doing great, sending each other songs and pictures of flowers and hearts and such untill my computer was hacked, and stolen, i tryed to call him and when i did we got in a fight because the hacker had cussed him out and he thought it was me and didnt beleive me when i said it was a hacker, and he stayed in newyork and i never saw him again. and now the only thing left of our love is memories, that now drift through my head, were i can never feel their bliss again...

    I remember the days not long ago, sitting and listening to our favorite song, the world melted away, we sway with the music, the clouds pass above our tree, in perfect harmony our hearts beet, flower petals rain with each breeze... it is impossible to explain this pure bliss this weightlessness, like floating on a cloud in heaven.... now I only wish I could turn the hands of time, to sit under our tree again, to listen to the wind, endless conversations would drift through the air.... now I can only watch the memories float by in my head, untouchable behind their glass wall....it seems like a year when only last month we sat together, in perfect harmony, the beets of our loving hearts matching like no other, sitting in a pool of pure bliss.....sitting in the arms of an angel.....