• My heart skips a beat every time you walk past me, I haven’t felt this in a while and I can’t help but, smile. When I think of you I get butterflies, it makes me get so shy, I can’t help but stutter, when I finally get the courage to walk up to you while no other, is around and I’m hoping you can’t hear the sound, of my heart beating so fast I hope this moment will last, forever I’m hoping when making this decision I will be clever, and wise and not go by what my eyes, see or by what I want to be, true because I want to feel something new, something I’ve never felt before and that’s what you make me feel, deep in the core of my heart, I finally start, to recognize that honestly, I think you are the one for me. I’m tired of suffering for what I thought was love but, instead of, it was heartbreak and after that I thought I would never be able to take all that ache, or open up to anyone ever again but I was wrong, God has made me strong. When I’m with you I feel that I can be the real me, I don’t need to hide what’s inside and who I really am because you don’t seem to care , I don’t need to share someone that I’m not to impress you and make others out there seem like less, because with you I feel secure and for sure I would have you by my side and you would never lie to me, because I know if this emotion was shown to me by God, there is no way to suffer, because everything he makes has no mistakes, and is perfect in all ways and I know that I could say I love you, I truly do and there is no one that compares to you.

    -Melanie Dos Santos Gaspar