• Secrets by RainyDay
    What Are Secrets
    but Hidden Lies
    Made Up stories seen
    With Our eyes
    Told to no one So you wont see
    The Secrets hidden in me

    Hidden So Close
    But so far away
    Would you notice if
    I didnt say

    What are Secrets
    But Fears and Cries
    Hidden away from
    People's Sight
    What would it be like
    If you could see?
    All the Secrets hidden in me

    Can You tell..
    That I've been living a fairytale..

    Can You tell?
    That the story...
    That the story...
    Has no ending!

    What Are Secrets
    But hidden Lies?
    made for someone who runs and hides..
    No More will that be me.
    I am Finally Set free!