• You stole my heart
    Then my car
    You took my dog
    Then went afar

    I woke up to darkness
    I woke up to nothing
    I woke up to my dead corpse below me

    You killed me last night
    You stripped me of everything I own
    I will haunt you Kevin, with my all of my soul

    I can see you sleeping in your bead
    I'm not a lost soul, I'm in your head
    I can see you squirming as you sleep

    Well hey now, you DO have a consequence
    I laugh to myself as you wake up in a sweat
    For a moment you can see me but then you turn the light on
    And I am gone

    But I am still here Kevin
    Turn the lights off and this time I'll come

    I waited all night
    Then the following
    He knows I'm here

    I grow angry from waiting
    Oops his light blew out
    Was that me?
    No point in fretting

    He sees me hovering over him
    He has nowhere to run
    I ripped his throat out and he laid there

    Bleeding everything he stolen from me away

    Finally I got my revenge.