• Tears fall from her cheeks
    to the ground
    and nones around
    shes alone in her room
    she never thought that he would leave
    they fought and fought
    she trusted him
    but the fighting didnt stop
    and the house was wrecked

    Now she sits on her bed
    alone in the dark wondering what was wrong
    in her dreams he's yelling at her
    drumming on her
    Her friends warned her
    told her he's 'bad"
    he would hurt her
    but love blinded her
    from the truth that showed on the surface
    and floated forever

    The water embracing her every move
    the tide changing its mood
    the winds howling at her back
    the southern cold comforting the heart
    the snow which falls on her bed
    the blood that moves within her veins
    her tears which stream togther

    let alone her worryed voice
    shes looking for the one she loves
    the one she loved
    the one she fell for
    though hes long gone
    she cant grasp it
    she dont want to know it
    she dont want to feel it
    shes dening it
    dieng for it
    crying at it
    and yet it won't come apart.
    HEr love for him was endless and forever
    But why couldnt he see that
    she didnt cheat she didnt like another guy
    this punishment is to tough for young love
    is the innocence that is known
    among so many for so few