• Don't Be Fooled By Her Beautiful Smile,
    Inside She's Breaking, She's So Fragile.
    Look Passed The Mask And Into Her Eyes,
    Filled With Tears Everytime You Speak Into Her Ear.

    Now She's Crying,
    Isn't That What You Want? She's Trying
    To Live Life On Her Own, But She Won't.

    She Loves To Dream, Well, It's Not Hard To See,
    In Dreams, She Gets To Be Happy,
    She Wakes In Reality Of Misery & Depression.
    'Cause Dreams Are Not What They Seem.

    She's Weak, Cold, Worn Out, & Destroyed.
    Yet, She Pretends It Doesn't Hurt.
    Who Is She Fooling? No One, Except Her Heart.

    -jana, </3