• If this is to be my first Roar
    then let this Roar be the loudest
    let the heavens shake
    and the earth quake
    let all within distance assemble
    and hear this Roar
    and let there heart and minds merge as one
    in agreement
    and for those not in agreement
    let this Roar be the last Roar they hear
    because I'm uniting all the great nights
    under one pen
    under one paper
    under one sword
    and under one shield
    those who will stand with me and fight
    and think and feel and write
    and prove that the pen is the most deadliest weapon
    man has ever created
    it is the real weapon of mass destruction
    and it is in the hands of people who know how to use it
    and will use it
    use it against those who steal
    against those who kill
    against the oppressors
    against the dictators
    against the system that gave rise
    to the need of this rebellion
    this system that is built on egos
    built by those who play the victim
    those who think they are special
    those who control
    all for the pat on the back
    so you can say your the best
    so someone can feel sorry for you
    just so they can know that you exists
    we are attention junkies
    yes you are
    yea I am
    we all are
    and this system knows that
    but they don't want us to know
    which is why they flood us with
    I pods, I phones, laptops, games, reality shows
    and everything else that distracts you from knowing the truth
    I'm tired of this, and I want out
    don't you?
    just being aware of this, allows you to see
    the world in a different light
    isn't that worth a Rebellion
    just to see for the first time
    what this world is really about?
    that's what I'm fighting for
    that worth picking up the pen
    to show them that I have not forgotten
    that I am awake
    that there is more than one way to fight a war
    so if you are in the distance where you can hear my Roar
    where you can pick up your pen, your sword
    and pick up your paper, your shield
    and your heart and mind merge as one
    than write
    write about your love
    write about your hate
    write about your betrayals
    and about your heartaches
    and your headaches
    your past, present, and future
    write about what you see
    and how you woke up to know the truth
    those in agreement are now knights
    strong, intelligent, humble
    This is your REBELLION
    And it starts NOW.