• His angel wings
    Are black as night,
    A greedy demon
    In love with light.

    His face so grim
    His eyes so cold
    His fingers entwined
    With no hands to hold

    He's beaten and bloody
    And bruised on the knees
    He opens his door
    He jingles his keys

    His parents don't notice
    As he slams the door
    No room to move
    He falls to the floor

    Falling, Falling
    He looks to the light,
    The light of an angel
    Tainted by night

    The darkness creeps
    And takes him hold
    The angel stares
    But looks so cold

    He's drowning in sorrow
    He's burning in hell
    He's rregreting the day,
    The day that he fell

    The angel can't help him
    He can't find his way
    Until the angel finds out
    How to light the boys way.