• “Sing me a song,” I’ll say
    Some rhapsody that stirs my heart,
    Something that passionately inspires me…
    Serenade me like a canary, twirling your words on your tongue
    Whisper in my ear, spell out your tale of tragic woe; unrequited love.
    Descant. Bring out the choir; they can join you as you as you tell me
    Of star covered strawberries, I’ll stare into your milky brown eyes
    And picture the verdant fields, dotted and riddled with green and crimson
    Bright and decadent. Sensuous red, like silk endlessly poured from a carton.
    There are no dark, malicious clouds of melancholy and gloom, and
    The sun does not beat upon our brow in mock comfort, no beady sweat, not
    In this fantasy field. As instantly as you appeared, you disappeared.
    I can still hear the soft notes of your song, chirping somewhere in the
    Distance of my mind, but it is night time now, magic man, a time when I need you
    The most.
    Chase away my fears, sing a beautiful ballad about the stars.
    Tell me of the Night’s crown jewels, how they twinkle and radiate peace and vapor.
    There are no bursts of drama.
    There are no worries, only freedom, only wings.
    There are no downpours here, though I welcome them,
    There is only hope here.
    Here in the land of fantasy, where reality takes a bow from on stage
    And gracefully surrenders to the Crepuscular passage, making way for the
    Prince of Liberty.
    And I’ll say to him with a smile:
    “Give me wings, I want my freedom.”