• i seem like the happyest person alive,
    thats not me not at all.
    i know im hated my many people,
    and i know they wont admit it.
    hell i dont judge them,
    i would hate me to well i do.
    i even had my cousin tell me he hated me.
    yea i know im terrible.
    i wish i could be the real me not this OTHER PERSON,
    but i would just be hated more.
    so i dont plan on anyone finding out that im not happy.
    its not like anyone would worry,
    but i have enough hatred i dont need more.
    everyone says will live and die alone,
    i agree because who am i to deny the truth.
    they say im the most anyoing happiest persom ever hahaha they dont even know .
    im hated i allways will be i mean its the truth and i cant deny it.