• Live life just talking laying back talking smack
    Wake up to reality walkin back like a druggy on crack
    Guys wanna be me cuase the women see me
    Girls love me I hate me cant esape me
    I hate the way i talk the way i walk the s**t ive done
    I hate the way fight the way i move the way I think
    I just talk and thegirls come they love and fall for me
    I hate that 2 these little boys wanna be me cuz they see me with girl after girl
    Its impossible they spit game try to look good
    walk my walk talk my talk and fight my fight
    I hate my life and everything ive been threw
    I hate people I hate you i hate suicide
    I hate genocide I hate hate
    I hate escape I hate water I hate peace and love

    ....yet I love fighting
    I love my anger
    My death
    My honor
    My pride
    My loyalty
    My flames of anger and angry looks
    My fire and darkness and earth
    But most of all.......

    I LOVE LOVE MY GIRL......so all you other girls sorry but im taken
    aint gunna change either