• Day by Day
    it's the same thing
    He's the one in control of me
    I can barely breath

    He wants to mold me
    Shape me
    into something I'm not
    A puppet o his strings
    is what he wants me to be
    But that's not me
    a little doll free to do
    his bidding
    And dance for on stage
    for all to marvel at in awe of
    what beauty he produced
    with a top hat,cane, and a painted on smile

    I'm trying to break the strings and open my mouth
    to speak
    But every time I move without command he holds me over the

    He says "I'm sorry" as i start to burn
    Now that I think about it I'd rather burn than be
    under your control anymore
    So go ahead and drop me in the flames
    so I can rise like a phoenix from the ashes
    I'll give YOU ALL something to stare at
    the true me