• A Girl Worth Loving,

    She is a shroud of comfort and shame, She is the very feeling of bitter-sweetness, She is soothing and yet, very painful. She is a sweet melody that plays over and over in my head. She is the sweet comfort of a green eyed-blonde's voice that reminds me of a time where things were perfect, She is the luxury of a lover's arms, She is the feeling of love, She is the butterflies I used to get that tossed and turned my stomach like a ship coasting along a rough ocean, She is the soothing touch of soft hands which lifted my spirit to the heavens with each touch, She is the shadow I walk in, being reminded of all these painful, yet Intoxicating memories, She is a cool breeze in the Spring, She is a falling leaf of Autumn, She is, the warm glow of the sun in the summer, She is the fire in my soul that is burning brightly, She is the life I'm forced to live without, She is a past love that I cannot get back, She is The girl of my dreams that enables dreaming, She is the curse to forever love an unwanted lover, She is my shame, she is my fame, She is my heart that beats within her hands. A girl worth loving is a love worth losing, a scar that I am forced to carry for the rest of my life that reminds me of where I have been...