• “Sup?” goes K.K, “Hi,” says Teve,
    “Meap!” goes Sami, “Yay, says Steve.
    The four pals will have their fun,
    But they must rest, as must the sun.
    “Squeak”, go the muffins they ate for their tea,
    “Burp”, says K.K., “too much for me.”
    But even now, as they all sleep tight…
    Something in the house does not feel right.
    An empty bed is next to Teve.
    “Oh,there you are, Sami,where have you been?”
    So now, as the foursome rest for the day,
    They wait for tomorrow, so they can all play.
    The “Snore” of K.K., the “pshooo..” of Teve,
    “Cookies…” quotes Sami, “bwaaarh..” goes Steve.
    As soon as it started the night must end.
    The foursome all rise to play with their friends.
    “Nom,” says K.K., eating Special K,
    Sami is finished and has gone out to play.
    “Slupppp..” goes Steve, drinking his juice,
    Teve & Sami are fighting but declare a truce.
    “Whack,” goes a tennis ball, landing with a “crunch”,
    The guys all play tennis before eating their lunch.
    “Crunch-slurp,” go the friends, all eating their food,
    They go back out to play, all in a good mood.
    “Ha,ha,” yells K.K., “Yippee”, mutters Steve,
    They like to play football, Sami’s referee.
    Tea comes quite quickly as the four eat their stuff,
    “Burp…” says K.K. “I still ate enough…”
    So, the four put on PJs, and snuggle in bed…
    ..Today was a fun day, so go rest your heads.

    The End