• I wish for you to stay away
    Stay as far away as this Earth can provide
    Your lies are now my weapons to destroy you
    Every love needs a little push to travel on
    When push becomes shove, it goes too far
    Taking advantages show the world your true colors

    I hope you are blissful with bachelorhood
    Blissful without me in your life
    Never again do I hope to see your slimy face
    Every love needs a little push to travel on
    When push becomes shove, it goes too far
    Taking advantages show the world your true colors

    Maybe this time my new love will stay
    Our travels will slow down, and we will be happy
    Our love will last its travel forever
    Every love needs a little push to travel on
    When push becomes shove, it goes too far
    Taking advantages show the world your true colors