• In the end
    It is all
    Your fault
    Its all your fault
    You lied and said
    You loved me but
    The truth shows now
    You never cared
    It was just a game
    It as just for fun
    And now I’m scared
    And I don’t know what
    I am going to do
    I think I’ll just
    Sit and think
    About how much
    I hate you
    Love you
    You said you cared
    But you did not
    Instead you left me
    For my friend
    Who doesn’t love you
    doesn’t care
    Not the way I did
    But still you left
    And now I’m sad
    I thought you cared
    Ill always hate you
    But I still love you
    don’t despair
    I’m still out there
    Waiting for you
    To say you care

    HER! why did she leave?
    she says she doesn’t even know
    but she wont kiss me
    she wont give me a hug
    she wont even sit next to me
    it used to be
    that we would sit together
    and I would listen to her breathe
    so grateful for that sound
    that sound that meant she was alive and here with me
    and we where happy
    and all was fine in the world
    but without her
    without Courtney
    my problems come back
    to haunt my brain
    she kept them away
    because every moment with her
    was like a moment of peace
    and happiness
    but now she’s gone
    and it feels like she took part of my heart
    with her
    and I cant breathe
    I cant scream
    I cant cry
    all i can do is sit and wonder why
    why did she leave me
    for my best friend
    it hurts
    like a physical pain in my body
    making me want to scream
    and cry
    but i cant
    i can only sit and wonder

    Help me cope.
    With all the pain
    It hurts to know
    That I love her
    But she doesn’t love me back
    She doesn’t care
    It was all nothing
    It was as though
    We had never
    Been together
    But I new better
    Because I remember
    The times
    When we would sit
    And talk
    About how much we cared
    About each other
    But you just left
    For my best friend
    Like we never cared
    Never loved
    Never wanted each other
    And now I watch you
    Day by day
    Sitting there
    With him
    And so I smile to
    And pretend to be happy
    When really it hurts
    It hurts inside
    It hurts all day
    When I see you
    Not with me
    Ignoring me
    I still care
    Do you?

    The feel of you breathing
    Lets me know your alive
    And that all is right in the world
    We sit silently
    Looking into each others eyes
    Because I know
    And you know
    That I love you
    And you love me
    And we sit
    And we talk
    And all my problems
    Seem to melt away
    When your nearby
    When your with me
    I forget how much
    Life sucks
    But you’re here
    And your alive
    And that is all
    I care about
    The sound of your voice
    Like the tinkling of bells
    Quiet and beautiful
    The feel of your skin
    Soft and supple
    You seem to radiate beauty
    You understand me
    My actions
    My thoughts
    I understand you
    Your state of mind
    Your feelings
    You can do anything
    You’re the one
    The best
    This bond we have
    It means something
    It means love
    It means you and I
    Were meant to be
    Together forever