• I long to rank amongst the legions of the great unknown
    To protest humanitys sick and sadistic struggle
    Cease your fire. We find allies in the hedonistic glory
    And wage war against the american dream

    Victory glares through every puff of smoke
    Blaring out of every jukebox

    There is no need to fight the lost war for balance
    We have long since tipped the scales

    Solace for those without souls is hard to come by
    Makeshift harmony found in half empty bottles
    Manufactured meaning built to keep us grounded

    We of the disgusted and unloved
    We of the forgotten and overlooked

    We fight against the fight
    Working our waytowards the emminent end

    We are all soldiers
    battling towards freedom
    We are all soldiers
    Running from the plague of responsibility
    We are all soldiers
    With every self destructive breath we take
    We are soldiers
    And we are winning