• It was actually a picture i saw and a song that inspired me to write this but as all of my poetry it speaks mostly of emotion and an experience i have had. I am very proud of this poem i put a lot of thought and effort into it i hope it pays off. I hope you enjoy it.

    There is a gaping hole in my chest
    Bloody jagged flesh
    Is what you left behind
    When you ripped out my beating heart.

    I am empty
    I am heartless
    There is no feeling left in my body
    I feel nothing but pain and suffering
    This wound will never heal

    Over Tim the pain ha eased
    But I can still feel
    The burning in the jagged hole
    The yearning to fill its emptiness.
    But never again will i be complete.
    I am heartless.

    Not only am I heartless
    But brainless
    For falling into your hands
    Playing right into your diabolical plans
    I was so blind
    Never did I see
    Exactly what you had in store for me
    I gave you everything
    And what did i get?
    A deep black hole
    Where my heart use to be.

    Im unrepairable
    barley stable
    In between alive and dead
    Human and not
    For what use am I?
    Who am I?
    Without a heart.
    One word to describe this

    Yet I can not find a thing to miss
    Maybe the dark abyss in my chest
    is for the best.
    No emotions
    Never again will i be hurt
    Never again will I be broken
    You can't break a heart that isn't there
    You can't rip someones heart out if they are