• Now I know it truly wasn't worth it
    I let my feelings run wild, and didn't think
    To look
    I kept that badge of honor,
    Wanted my pride to rule the day
    Wanted it work
    And she simply stepped away
    But, in the end it was worth it
    For we all have to play a part
    In this game called life
    Even if it hurts to start
    So, in turn I see this
    And, in turn I want to try
    To open up once again
    It will take time
    It will take effort
    But, it'll all be for the best
    Because, in the end there's someone
    Who beasts this stupid test
    My standards are
    My feelings are low
    and my heart is once again shattered
    But it will find that substance that makes it
    So, if I look beyond the mask
    The one I put on day by day
    Will I be able to let the tears fall
    Or will they stay in?
    Will I be whole ever?
    Or will it fade again
    Time heals all wounds,
    but it seems like forever
    I loved her
    I lost her
    I want to pick up that bottle
    Drown away for a few hours
    Feel numb
    Feel numb from everything
    Why can't I?
    Why can't I for one ******** time
    And forget all that feels like s**t
    Or just cry...and not remember that I did it..