• I've tried to explain
    How you can make it better
    Though still you refuse
    And you choose to stay with her

    You say you hate to see
    Me lying in pain
    And you know how to fix it
    You could have me again

    Every day that passes
    Is another piece of my heart
    Just seeing you with her
    Completely tears me apart

    You try to real me in
    Saying there's still hope
    And that I shouldn't give up
    Temporarily try to cope

    But then a day later
    You'll say it's not the same
    You'll claim you still love me
    But your love for me has changed

    Hearing that from you
    Tears me up inside
    These feelings are hard to explain
    And all I can do is cry

    Why even bother
    If she makes you so happy
    You choose to stay with her
    So why try to uplift me

    For any time you try
    It always ends with hurt
    You'll make me think one thing
    Then you'll make me feel like dirt

    For this, I should hate you
    And many times I try
    I try to hide my love for you
    But I know that's all a lie

    Before, we were happy
    And so full of love
    Now that's all disappeared
    And you make me feel unwanted