• I dreamt of a convex paradise, undetrimented by the fiendish dilemmas that lurk the darkest corridors within the depths of my soul.
    Lightning breaches the hull of the mothership, and my inner sanctum becomes the converse.
    A concave perplexion, the cacophony of this town's denizens drown out the cries of the antidote calling to me from the deepest part of the drawer.
    I walk the halls of the wrecked building, doors damaged by the secrets they hold.
    I press my ear to the surface, and shattered dreams call out, yet I refuse to acknowledge them.
    I pick myself from the ground, dust my shoulders of what I once knew, and head outside. Drones step off the assembly line, programmed to live the lives of the people.
    But the simple programming behind the complex circuitry shows me the transparency of their ways. I take a step forward.

    And thus began the journey to nowhere.