• Punk is just a torn T Shirt
    with stale beer stains and cigarette burns
    It's been tossed into a hamper
    and cycled through the wash too many times
    The once scarlet "A" has faded
    The collar appears to have been chewed on
    (Blame the family Labradoodle.)
    At some point, somebody splashed bleach on it
    dragged it through dirt
    (Damn that Labradoodle.)
    It's seen the inside of a hundred mosh pits
    and roughly the same number of jail cells
    Both resulting in blood and sweat stains
    and some ink from fresh tattoos
    But now it just rests on a coat hanger
    toward the back of a walk-in closet
    Just behind the college pull-over
    but always in front of the sweater vest