• Stargazing

    You and I
    Under the sky
    In the dark
    Sitting in a park
    Up, up, up the grassy hill we go
    To the awaiting stars, to the show
    Set the lights
    In the darkness of night
    Set the stage
    We are ready to engage
    Flip the switch
    We need no pitch
    Of light
    This night

    You and I
    Under the sky
    In the dark
    Sitting in a park
    Illegally of course
    We’d have to be taken by force
    If caught
    But naught
    Alas, we evade public eyes
    For the moments we have as the time goes by
    Are ours, not theirs
    And they wouldn’t dare
    Get in the way
    Of this starry night play
    They have no permission
    To end our admission
    In this field tonight
    Such a delight

    You and I
    Under the sky
    In the dark
    Sitting in a park
    The scope in place
    Pointing towards space
    I may not understand
    Much of the plan
    But when I look through the window
    Up at the stars that glow
    I smile
    And even stare for a while
    Back in the grass
    I can feel it on my back
    Cold, so cold
    Imprinting our bodies like clay mold
    The grass is wet beneath our toes
    When our pants will dry, we don’t know
    Or care
    About what we wear

    You and I
    Under the sky
    In the dark
    Sitting in a park
    Hearts beating
    Like the ocean receding
    I look at you
    And wonder if it’s true
    The words you said
    That pound in my head
    Or are they all just lies
    And soon we could be saying goodbye
    Under these same stars
    We could go so far
    Travel away
    And wait another day
    To meet again
    Maybe amongst friends
    But I certainly hope not
    Lest we forgot
    How things have gone
    Each day of the rising dawn

    You and I
    Under the sky
    In the dark
    Sitting in a park
    They watch us, the stars up there
    Wondering what it’s like to live out of the air
    And down here on the grass
    Letting the small amount of time we have pass
    Most definitely
    I’m glad it’s with you
    Yes, it’s true
    I may in fact be in love with you
    And I won’t deny
    This delightful cry
    Underneath the starry sky
    Just you and I

    You and I
    Under the sky
    In the dark
    Sitting in a park
    I feel you next to me
    And one could agree
    This is peace