• My cat

    I have a cat
    His name is Patches
    Everyday when I play with him
    I get all sorts of scratches

    Oh but it doesn’t hurt
    And I love him anyway
    Even if it does seem bad
    The scratches will go away

    But then they come back
    But it is alright
    Though he did scratch me
    Just last night

    But I love my cat
    Even with such scratches
    Such an endearing cat
    My dear cat Patches

    Just yesterday
    He scratched me again
    Right along my wrist
    And then again

    As I bled near other scars
    I still loved my cat
    Even as I wrapped up my wrist
    Did you guess I didn’t have a cat?

    You were right all along
    I had lied about the cat
    About how I got the scars
    I didn’t have a cat

    But as I lay
    Dying on the bathroom mat
    Don’t you wish
    I had a cat