• Ya can say what ya want in a poem.
    Ya can write what ya like in a verse.
    Ya can insult whoever and whatever ya want.
    The only thing ya can not do is curse.
    Ya can hint at sexual desires and needs.
    Ya can make references to almost anything.
    Ya can describe all of your cravings
    And all of the pleasures that they bring.
    Ya can darken and twist a poem.
    Ya can potentially murder anyone.
    Ya can describe vengeance and hate.
    Finding the right words is only half of the fun.
    Ya can tell stories of fact or fiction,
    Or explain why ya do whatever ya do.
    Ya can pass along quotes or tales
    That other people have told to you.
    Ya can express yourself in any way
    Without caring what other people say.
    They didn't write the poem, did they?
    Depends whether you're writing to win money.
    A poem is different from a song:
    Poetry doesn't have to have a chorus.
    But poetry can be sang by Bards
    Who love to be the center of focus.
    Someday, I'd like to sing my words
    in front of crowds that I've never seen.
    I'd like to make small jokes and stuff
    About a boy who was born to be keen.
    Ya can do whatever ya want with a poem,
    And follow absolutely no structured rules.
    Ya can rhyme when ya want at will.
    But to some people, poetry is for fools.
    But a rumor I've often heard is this:
    “Poets are the 'silky voice' kings of life.
    If ya can can make your words sing to people,
    It will potentially lessen the amount of strife.”
    Mock the words of a poet, if you will.
    That's not the wisest idea, I'll say.
    Poetry is freedom, in it's purest form.
    A great Bard and a poem can destroy one's day.

    ---Berto, Summer 2011