• So here I stand
    There is a war inside of me
    Between who I am
    And who I used to be
    I'm not a person who likes change
    So to change everything at once
    Is just evil
    Here I am
    Listening to my head and my heart
    Bicker constantly
    Don't change who you are they say
    But it's so damn hard
    If I didn't change
    I would go right back to what everyone hated
    There's a nagging feeling here
    Nightmares every night
    While the two try to conquer each other
    No one knows
    No one knows me at all
    You don't know why sometimes I drop to the ground
    And start crying
    You don't know why I scream
    'No' to nothing
    You didn't care
    No one cared
    They just scurried away
    No help for me
    No one to talk to
    Just desert me
    Everyone does
    Everyone always leaves
    They never come back
    I've always had no one but myself
    I'd be better off just living a life alone
    Instead of letting everyone down
    I've never made you happy
    I've never made anyone happy
    That's why everyone runs away
    Love is fake
    It doesn't mean anything
    My brain is throwing bombs at my heart
    My heart is shooting back at my head
    Do you know I cry every night?
    Does anyone try to save me?
    Why must the world hate me?
    I tried so hard and got no where at all....
    I fear all of the time
    Fear...Nightmares...War...You don't know me at all....