• To not have what you want is bad.
    To no have what you need is worse.
    Desire is water tempting a parched throat.
    To some it's a gift. To others, its a curse.
    I wanna play on a guitar, every rock song
    That I can't seem to stop listening to.
    I wanna dance to every club hit
    That makes my body wanna move.
    I wanna play every wordless melody
    That's ever touched the heart of my soul
    I doubt I'll ever get those chances
    To let music fill my empty hole:
    It's a void of coldness and sorrow;
    It's an emotion of endless yearning;
    It's a hunger so great it scares me;
    And it's a fire that will never stop burning.
    It's an obsession that must be tempered,
    And a thirst that must often go not quenched.
    Patience must be it's mentor and master
    If its goals are to be successfully drenched.
    I wanna have more sex in a week
    Than most people have in their dreams.
    I wanna let my desire roam free,
    On the prowl for sweat-based screams.
    I wanna climb to the top of the heights
    And gaze upon all that I've passed.
    I wanna become a much better athlete
    Until most men aren't even in my class.
    The desire to desire is what I truly have.
    I'll never be content if I'm not flying.
    The world is my playground and I'll play.
    I want to rule the world or simply die trying.
    I'm afraid of the evils that I might do
    On my quest for money, power, and sex,
    But I can't and won't turn back now.
    It's too late to fix my life's hex.
    Maybe everything happens for a reason.
    I don't honestly care about Life anymore.
    Desire is what's driving me to be greater.
    Maybe love will drive me to care a little more...

    ---Berabus, Summer 2011