• the night took it’s turning point

    i looked at the girl sleeping right next to me.

    i gazed at her face…

    her closed eyes, eyelashes, lips

    and every detail of her face.

    i was thinking, if i could ever play

    the hidden role in her life…

    i know everything will never be that swift

    but i know soon,

    reality would took it’s place.

    i know i miss half of my life without her.

    i remember, when i was young,

    i was always dreaming of having

    a younger sister.

    playing along with her,

    combing her hair

    and sharing toys…

    that could’ve been brought to my childhood.

    and maybe, things are quite different.

    but we’re all part of our destined fate.

    fate that took away our sisterhood.

    i dunno if it’s for the betterment or for not.