• The path is forked, which way is right?
    How do I know?
    I’m alone in the crowd
    So many telling me
    To take this way, or do that
    It’s ok
    You’ll be happy
    You’ll be popular
    But in the end
    You’re hurt and alone
    At rock bottom
    Broken and bleeding
    Crying with no one to comfort you
    No one there who’ll pick you up
    No light, no hope, no help
    Hidden from the world
    ONE PATH is right
    You may not be popular
    You won’t always be “happy”
    But in the end
    You have EVERYTHING
    Friends and no pain
    At the tippy top of life
    The Journey is hard
    You will be hurt
    If you cry
    You’ll have comfort
    Someone will comfort you
    If He doesn’t tell the wind and waves to ‘shut it’
    NEVER in the dark and hopeless
    Never helpless, alone and scared
    The path is forked
    I KNOW the WAY
    He is the only light in a dark world
    JESUS, the Way, the Truth, and the Life