• Will I ever get over you?
    Will this pain deep inside ever disappear?
    I have loved you for so long
    You stole my heart and in the end I never got it back
    Instead of loving it, you broke it
    Stomping on it every chance you had
    Not caring what happens to me
    Or that I cut away the pain
    With each slice of the razor blade against my skin
    Blood trickling down
    You don't care if I cried over you every night
    Or that I will always love you no matter what
    That no matter what I do I an never let you go
    It hurt to see you go
    It hurts to know that you love someone else and not me
    Do you even care that you haunt my dreams every night?
    That I wake up with my eyes filled with tears when I realize it was all a dream?
    You don't care that I'm broken
    You don't care that I'm filled with sadness every day
    You don't care that I love you
    You don't care.....