• Resting in Peace, Listening to the Wind
    remembering the places were I had been
    loving the life that I am living
    giving whatever's worth giving

    My life unravels, truths unfold
    listening to whatever's being told
    I found the peace and rest I seek
    feeling strong, no longer weak

    I'm at peace and a calm state of mind
    I wish this could last for the rest of time
    but sadly, nothing lasts forever
    but the joys of experiences come together

    The beauty of peace, the calmness of rest
    I want nothing more and nothing less
    the cheers of friends fill my ears
    leaving behind, all my fears

    Life can be great, life can be sad
    They're all great, the experiences I had
    I'll cherish them for all Eternity
    Til I rest, in Eternal Serenity