• And we met.
    And she said to me her honesty
    Of feelings at first glance.
    And I could not agree
    More, you see,
    For I too felt the chance.

    And we talked.
    And I saw in her, nothing more
    Than youth and such love.
    For someone so scarred,
    To have come so far,
    It almost broke my heart.

    And we hugged.
    And the moment I set foot
    Out of the front door,
    I never was the same.
    You see, I left my heart
    At her bedroom door,
    For a love waiting to be.

    And we talked.
    And each minute that passed
    Could not possibly last
    Long enough to truly say
    What each thought and each felt,
    And everything each had hoped to gain.

    And we met.
    And I wished so hard
    That her love was not too far
    For my arm to reach, grab hold
    So tight through day and night,
    Hold onto that heart of gold.

    And we hugged.
    And the moment I set foot
    Out of the front door,
    I never was the same,
    You see, she left her love
    Not with me.
    For a love not waiting to be.

    And we talked.
    And with hope in my mind,
    I could only try to make her
    See the truth. There was more
    To her than she offered herself.
    More to gain than lose.

    And we did not meet.
    And with a clouded heart
    She settled for something less.
    And I stood there waiting
    With an empty chest,
    Still hoping for the best.

    And as we drifted apart,
    And she moved on,
    My heart returned to me.
    With a bruise and a patch
    And it proceeded to speak:

    “Do not be afraid.
    You’ll see one day,
    Someone is waiting for you.
    And one day you will talk.
    And one day you will meet.
    And one day they will give
    Their heart to you.
    An exchange will occur,
    And a love will be born.
    One day, you will see.
    You will continue on.
    No longer a love waiting to be.”