• How can you say you love me, than hate me?
    How can you expect me to care and love when all I do is,
    Drown in my tears and die everytime.
    I wanna be happy,
    But all I am is sad,
    Who can forgive me?
    Nobody can.
    I wait and wait for you to text me,
    But when I wait,
    I know you don't want to,
    I slip in the dark every night,
    And just want you to be,
    To be my light.
    I love you to fight you,
    To cry for you,
    But lately its just,
    Another night.
    I hurt and hurt,
    Tell i am dead from this,
    I just wanna be,
    Just wanna be yours,
    In your arms,
    But you push me away,
    And claim,
    That I just bring you pain.
    I love you its how i feel, and i'm bawling my eyes out. I thought you didn't want that, didn't want me in tears, but darling im in tears.
    Here comes the day when i lay in my grave,
    Who's around me?
    Not you nowhere to be found,
    I look down waiting to see you,
    But I see you,
    Smiling at my grave from far away,
    I whisper that i'm sorry,
    Sorry i mistreated you,
    Whispered I love you,
    And only you,
    I vanish for good,
    Not wanting to know your end.