• Never said it was easy.
    Can't say for sure, my friend. Been here a long time, you and I.
    'D say we'll be here a good while longer, yeah.
    One shoe on, the other falls off as you run. You never noticed,
    And I didn't want to say anything. So we just kept going.
    Your foot is bare and bloody now. Was it wise?
    I guess we'll never know for sure. They only let you run once, I guess to keep it fair.
    Doesn't feel all that fair to you. Could swear the race was rigged against our like
    Could swear, and you do. Not aloud, but I know you.
    Runnin' far
    Runnin' fast
    Breathin' hard
    Might be your last
    Never said it was easy. Never said it was easy, no.
    Tastin' blood on your cracked stone lips as we lay beneath the tree for a rest
    Catchin' our breaths, just a second, little less...
    Always set your jaw like it was you and then the world
    Didja ever learn how to relax?
    Runnin' far, runnin' fast,
    Takes a breath, just one--
    --his last.