• If you want to live you will suffer
    If you want to die we will deliver
    Heads are rolling and lives are slim
    Beating you with your own bones
    Eyes are falling from their sockets
    Watch me slice your stomach open
    Pull your intestines from your body
    Feed it to you, go and suffer
    Bodies cold and fed to the hogs
    Newborn babies are painting your house with their blood
    Bones are cracked
    Muscles weak
    Give up
    You can scream but no one will rescue you
    For we are going to get you
    You can hide but we will find you
    Blood x's across your chest
    Initials carved into your flesh
    Beg to die but you will suffer
    Throw your body into the fire
    Dissolve.. (x3)
    Chanting rituals for your death as you burn a painful death
    Fade to your color of death
    Spit into your fire..
    Pay your respects
    Goodbye child.. (x2)