• The shadows...
    The shadows spark the fear.
    It's all consuming
    And plays from your fears...
    All you can do is hold your breath,
    Count to three,
    Pray to your God,
    And turn the corner...

    The light...
    The light brings comfort.
    It kills the shadows
    And brings hope.
    But it also brings fear...
    Fear of being found, fear of dying,
    Fear of losing everything precious to you,
    And you just hold on,
    Try too fight to the light,
    Swallow your guts,
    And continue on...

    The sounds...
    The sounds make the fear worse.
    They offer the only real reprieve from the madness
    Other than the light,
    which casts away the shadows...
    And you just close your eyes,
    Block everything out,
    Shed your tears,
    And accept your fate...

    The sight...
    The sight brings the sounds from the shadows.
    They sight breaks your resolve to continue.
    To push on a little farther.
    To make it out alive.
    But the sight only comes with the light...
    So you raise your defense,
    Steady your hands,
    Remember what has happened,
    And end the horror...

    And then it happens.
    You reach the end.
    You've found the reason for your torture.
    But you realize you've brought it onto yourself.
    You try t deny it,
    But the light brought the sight
    That summoned the noise in the shadows...
    And so you swallow your guts,
    Close your eyes,
    Accept your fate,
    And end the horror...